Visual Merchandising Solutions

Custom designed & built retail display fixtures for the hobby games industry, with an emphasis on maximizing product density, without sacrificing product visibility.

We're always working on prototypes

Our most popular merchandising display

Dice Spinner - Floor Display

Our claim to fame, is our unique 4-way, spinning dice display that holds over 500 bricks of Chessex dice - designed to be merchandised with a 7 dice set, 16mm d6, and 12mm d6 bricks of the same color next to each other on the shelf - when you're buying dice you want the full matching set! Pictured with our new optional 10" riser base.

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Alternative Dice Brands

The full towering display of dice, also nicely displays dice sets in round containers, plastic tuck boxes, and other methods of dice packaging for your store brand dice, or licensed dice sets from other manufacturers like Roll 4 Initiative, Games Workshop, and others.

Countertop Display

Don't have room in your shop for a floor unit?! We've also got this handy dandy, countertop display, it also spins, just like the floor model, but it is 1/3 the size of the floor model, and will display up to 180 bricks of Chessex dice - designed with the same great merchandising theory in mind.

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Featured collection

  • Wall Bookcase Display with Angled Base
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  • Dice Spinner - Floor Display
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  • Dice Spinner - Countertop Display
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Ambiance is important

  1. Improve your store's shopping appeal with refreshed fixtures, designed to maximize your ability to merchandise games.

    Six Feet Under Games in Gap, PA did just that.

    Replacing all of their wall displays, gondolas and endcaps - we even made some custom waterfalls and drawers for some of the gondolas to highlight their massive RPG selection.

I got one of the early Dice Spinner Racks nearly 3 years ago. The full size one is over 4' tall and holds 100s of dice sets (we carry primarily Chessex to stock the rack).

The spinning mechanism still works wonderfully - even after 4-5 moves to a convention (hand-truck is needed).

When I first received the rack, I had one primary concern: the angle the dice set rested on the shelves. I felt they were not up-right enough and some could fall out if the rack was spun too fast (by young kids) or inadvertently knocked. Turns out this has not been an issue. I believe recent production runs actually addressed this.

Our old dice display was a 4' shelf with the dice sets stacked 4-5 deep. Our monthly sales of dice have doubled since getting the spinning display.

Steve Bryant - Battlegrounds Gaming, Norwalk, CT